Unravelling the Persistence: Why Are Legacy Systems Still Used? 

Unravelling the Persistence: Why Are Legacy Systems Still Used? 

Unravelling the Persistence: Why Are Legacy Systems Still Used? 

Legacy systems have long been the backbone of many businesses, providing reliability and specialised functionality. Despite the reliable role legacy systems play within these organisations, the rapid pace of technological evolution prompts us to scrutinise and ask the question: Why are Legacy Systems Still Used?  

The persistence in using these systems should no longer be happening and there is a necessity for change.  

The allure of the latest trends often overshadows the benefits of legacy systems. While the adoption of cutting-edge technologies may sound enticing in marketing materials, the reality is that many businesses continue to rely on systems that have been in place for decades.  

This blog post will delve into the reasons behind the continued use of legacy systems, the associated challenges, and strategies for navigating this complex terrain.  

Understanding Legacy Systems: A Foundation and a Challenge

Legacy systems, encompassing outdated technology, software or hardware, have become synonymous with the operational history of organisations. Although these systems are integral, their lack of modern features poses challenges, making it imperative for businesses to assess the need for change. 

Challenges of Legacy Systems:  

  • Maintenance and Support Challenges: As legacy systems age, vendors may cease support, charge premiums for maintenance, and withhold updates, leaving businesses vulnerable to operational disruptions. 
  • Security Vulnerabilities: Built with outdated technology, legacy systems become susceptible to cyber-attacks. The absence of regular updates exacerbates security risks, potentially leading to data breaches. 
  • Inefficiency in Modern Business: Legacy systems may struggle to meet the dynamic needs of modern business operations, hindering efficiency, scalability, and the ability to handle increased demands. 
  • Compliance Challenges: Evolving regulations may render legacy systems non-compliant, exposing businesses to legal and financial risks. Generating required reports for compliance becomes challenging, undermining regulatory adherence. 

If this list wasn’t long enough, we have discussed more problems with legacy systems here: Unpacking the Legacy: A Deep Dive into Investment Management Systems

Why Business Still Use Legacy Systems: The Dilemma

Despite these challenges, several compelling reasons drive businesses to maintain their allegiance to legacy systems.  

  • Cost of Transitioning: The upfront costs of transitioning from legacy to modern systems, including installation, integration, and employee training, pose financial challenges, especially for organizations on a budget. 
  • Fulfilling Critical Business Needs: Legacy systems, having evolved to meet specific business requirements, remain critical to operations. Replacing them risks disrupting business processes that have been finely tuned over time. 
  • Ease of Maintenance: Internal teams’ specialized skills and established relationships with third-party vendors offering support for legacy systems make maintenance easier than transitioning to unfamiliar modern systems. 
  • Customization and Specific Functionality: Legacy systems may have unique features tailored to specific business needs, making it difficult for organizations to transition without sacrificing critical functionality. 
  • Interoperability: Integrated with various systems, databases, and applications, legacy systems are customized to work seamlessly within existing ecosystems. Replacing them requires significant investments in time, effort, and resources to ensure compatibility.

Strategies for Navigating Legacy Systems: A Balanced Approach

While the allure of modernisation is undeniable, businesses must adopt strategies that align with their unique needs and constraints.  

  • Evaluation of Risks and Benefits: A thorough assessment of the risks and benefits of both legacy and modern systems is essential. This evaluation, done in consultation with internal teams, provides insights into which system aligns best with business needs. 
  • Modernization through Updating or Replacement: Incremental modernization by updating or replacing outdated components can improve functionality, security, and scalability. A phased approach minimizes disruption to business operations. 
  • Hybrid Solutions: Leveraging a combination of legacy and modern technologies through hybrid solutions allows businesses to enjoy the benefits of both systems, striking a balance between familiarity and innovation. 

The Future of Legacy Systems: Adapting for Continued Relevance

As technology advances, legacy systems will play a pivotal role in bridging the old and the new technologies.  

  • Data Integration: Legacy systems can integrate data with newer systems, providing a comprehensive view of business operations. 
  • Application Programming Interfaces (APIs): APIs connect legacy systems with newer technologies, enabling data exchange and leveraging the latest advancements. 
  • Web Services: Exposing legacy systems as web services extends their compatibility with newer technologies, prolonging their lifespan. 
  • System Orchestration: Utilizing legacy systems as central hubs for coordinating data and workflows between different systems ensures continued relevance. 


Embracing Modernisation: How to Better Your Business

While legacy systems have served as reliable workhorses for many businesses, the imperative to modernise is more crucial than ever. Here are why businesses should consider modernisation, even when fully entrenched in the familiarity of legacy systems.  

  • Enabling Innovation and Future-Proofing: Modernization opens doors to innovation, empowering businesses to harness emerging technologies like AI and data analytics for sustained success. 
  • Meeting Evolving Customer Expectations: Adapting to dynamic customer needs is crucial. Modernization ensures your organization can deliver seamless, personalized experiences, enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty. 
  • Staying Competitive in the Digital Landscape: In a rapidly evolving business landscape, modernization is key to staying competitive. It signals a commitment to progress, positioning your business as a forward-thinking industry leader. 
  • Mitigating Security and Compliance Risks: Modern systems provide robust security features, reducing the risk of data breaches. Compliance with evolving regulations becomes more manageable, minimizing legal and financial risks. 
  • Enhancing Operational Efficiency: Legacy systems may become bottlenecks over time. Modernization streamlines processes improves productivity, and enables seamless scalability for business growth. 
  • Facilitating Interconnected Ecosystems: In today’s interconnected business world, modernization fosters collaboration by overcoming the integration challenges posed by legacy systems. 
  • Attracting and Retaining Top Talent: Modernization appeals to the modern workforce, attracting tech-savvy professionals and contributing to overall employee satisfaction and retention. 

In essence, while legacy systems have played a crucial role, modernisation is the strategic step forward for businesses aiming to thrive in the digital age. By embracing change, organisations position themselves for innovation, growth, and sustainability.

In conclusion, while legacy systems continue to be indispensable for many businesses, an understanding of their challenges and the adoption of thoughtful modernisation strategies are crucial. By navigating the delicate balance between the comfort of the familiar and the need for progress, businesses can embrace sustainable growth in today’s fast-paced business environment. 

Unlock the Future: Download Our Whitepaper

As you navigate the complex landscape of legacy systems and modernisation strategies, we urge you to delve deeper into the insights and practical guidance we’ve compiled in our exclusive whitepaper, titled ‘From Legacy to Leading Edge.’  

This comprehensive resource is crafted to empower CIOs, CDOs, and CTOs in the UK investment management industry with the knowledge and strategies needed to transition seamlessly into the future. 

Download our FREE Whitepaper, just fill out the form below!

From Legacy System to Leading Edge

FREE DOWNLOAD: From Legacy to Leading Edge: Transformative Strategies for CIOs, CDOs, and CTOs in Investment Management

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What is Contextual Analytics? Why is it Important? With Yellowfin

What is Contextual Analytics? Why is it Important? With Yellowfin

What is Contextual Analytics? Why is it Important? with Yellowfin

Join us for our next Engaging Data Bites session: What is Contextual Analytics? Why is it Important? with Yellowfin. 

Unlock the Power of Contextual Analytics! 

Are you ready to dive into the world of Contextual Analytics and revolutionise the way you understand your data?  

Join us for an enlightening webinar where we explore the essence of Contextual Analytics and its pivotal role in today’s data-driven landscape. 

We are being joined by our partners Yellowfin!  

Yellowfin simplifies the entire analytics workflow. From connecting to and preparing your data, to building dashboards and preparing management reports, the Yellowfin BI platform has you covered. 

The Session

Come and join us for this next session with Yellowfin!

  • Date: 29th February 2024
  • Time: 1:30 pm – 2:00 pm GMT 
  • Location: Online Webinar, hosted on Microsoft Teams 

Why Should You Attend?

    • Understanding Contextual Analytics: Delve into the fundamentals of Contextual Analytics and discover how it goes beyond traditional data analysis to provide deeper insights. 
    • Real-world Applications: Explore practical examples and case studies showcasing the transformative power of Contextual Analytics across various industries. 
    • The Importance of Context: Learn why context is crucial in data analysis and how Contextual Analytics enables you to extract meaningful insights within the right context. 
    • Enhanced Decision-Making: Uncover how Contextual Analytics empowers decision-makers with actionable intelligence, leading to more informed and strategic decisions. 
    • Yellowfin’s Approach: Get an exclusive insight into how Yellowfin integrates Contextual Analytics into its platform, equipping users with the tools they need to unlock the full potential of their data.

Whether you’re a data analyst, business leader, or anyone interested in harnessing the power of data, this webinar is tailored for you. Don’t miss this opportunity to gain valuable insights and take your data analysis to the next level! 

Reserve Your Spot Today! 

Legacy System Risks and Rewards: A Comprehensive Overview for Investment Leaders

Legacy System Risks and Rewards: A Comprehensive Overview for Investment Leaders

Legacy System Risks and Rewards:

A Comprehensive Overview for Investment Leaders

Within the realm of investment management, the presence of legacy systems is not a mere relic of the past, but an enduring reality that shapes the technological landscape.  

Investment firms, led by the visionary minds of CIOs, CDOs, and CTOs often find themselves entangled in a web of legacy technologies. These systems, once the pioneers of innovation, now stand as witnesses to the industry’s evolution, silently influencing operations, strategies and the very fabric of decision-making.  

It has become evident to us, after speaking to numerous clients within this sector, that the prevalence of legacy is more than a footnote in the industry’s history; it’s an integral part of its present. CIOs, CDOs, and CTOs, navigate this landscape where the old and the new coexist, often presenting both challenges and opportunities.  

Within the complexity of legacy systems, lie both risks and rewards waiting to be unearthed. The landscape is dynamic, with each outdated server, ageing application, and obsolete infrastructure carrying the weight of decisions made in the past. Yet, within this complexity, there is also a potential for rejuvenation, optimisation and strategic transformation.  

Navigating the complexities of legacy systems is not merely a technical challenge; it’s a strategic imperative. Investment management leaders must address the intricacies of existing systems to optimise performance, adapt to the evolving landscape, and, most crucially, mitigate potential risks. 

This blog post is not just about technology, it’s about strategic decision-making that defines the trajectory of investment management firms.

The Landscape of Legacy Systems in Investment Management 

Legacy systems are more than just ageing infrastructure. They are the silent architects of the industry’s technological foundation. These systems encompass a spectrum of outdated software, hardware, and operational processes that, despite their historical significance, now pose challenges to the seamless functioning of modern investment firms.  

Examples range from archaic trading platforms to cumbersome data management systems to ageing infrastructure unable to keep pace with the demands of a digital era.  

Why Investment Management Have a Dependence on Legacy Systems

The dependence on legacy technology in investment management is not a mere coincidence, but a consequence of the industry’s unique dynamics. Investment leaders often find themselves tethered to legacy systems due to a combination of factors, including the substantial investments made in building and customising these systems over the years. The intricate nature of financial operations, regulatory compliance, and the need for seamless integrations with existing workflows contribute to the reluctance to part ways with familiar, albeit outdated, technologies.  

CIOs, CDOs, and CDOs grapple with the challenge of balancing the desire for innovation with the practical constraints imposed by the legacy systems deeply ingrained in the organisation’s fabric. 

Recent studies have indicated that a significant percentage of investment organisations still operate with legacy systems as the backbone of their operations. These systems, now pose operational challenges and hinder efficiency and jeopardise data integrity.  

The Risks of Clinging to Legacy Systems

Financial Strain: Examining the High Maintenance Costs and Budget Constraints 

Recent studies have indicated that a significant percentage of investment organisations still operate with legacy systems as the backbone of their operations. The allure of familiarity often disguises the stark reality of legacy systems – financial strain.  

As CIOs, CDOs, and CTOs, meticulously allocate resources, the weight of the high maintenance costs looms large. These legacy systems demand an ever-increasing share of the budget, leaving investment firms grappling with a delicate balancing act. Examining the financial strain reveals not just the immediate impact on budgets, but also the long-term consequences of resource allocation that stifle innovation and strategic initiatives.  

Reduced Agility: Impact on the Ability to Respond to Market Changes and Innovate 

Agility is synonymous with resilience within investment management. However, legacy systems, with their inherent rigidity, cast a shadow over the agility needed to respond to market changes and drive innovation.  

The impact is palpable as investment leaders witness a reduced capacity to adapt swiftly to emerging trends. As markets evolve, those limited by legacy systems find themselves constrained, unable to seize opportunities or pivot in response to dynamic market shifts.  

Security Vulnerabilities: Explore the Increased Risk of Data Breaches and Compliance Issues 

The digital era not only brings opportunities but also poses unprecedented threats. Legacy systems, often lacking the robust security measures of their modern counterparts, expose investment firms to heightened risks of data breaches and compliance issues.  

As cyber threats become more sophisticated, the vulnerabilities inherent in outdated technology pose a significant challenge. Navigating these security risks is not just a matter of data integrity; it’s a strategic imperative for safeguarding the trust and confidence of clients and stakeholders.  

Competitive Disadvantage: Potential Loss of Competitiveness in a Rapidly Evolving Market 

In an industry that thrives on staying one step ahead, clinging to legacy systems can be a double-edged sword. The potential loss of competitiveness in a rapidly evolving market is a stark reality that leaders must confront.  

The agility, efficiency and innovation offered by modern technology become differentiators that legacy-dependent firms struggle to match. As competitors embrace the transformative power of the digital age, those anchored to the past risk not only falling behind but also losing ground in the competitive race. 

The risks of clinging to legacy systems, the message is clear for CIOs, CDOs, and CTOs: the strategic imperative is to not just recognise these risks but to proactively address them.  

Rewards of Addressing Legacy System Challenges 

Cost Saving: Modernisation as a Long-Term Financial Gain 

Breaking free from the chains of legacy systems is a move onto the path of significant cost savings. While the upfront investment in modernisation may seem daunting, it pales in comparison to the long-term financial gains it unlocks.  

By proactively addressing legacy challenges, investment leaders can optimise operational costs, reduce ongoing maintenance expenses and free up budgets for strategic initiatives.  

The shift from viewing modernisation as a cost to embracing it as a long-term financial gain is a pivotal mindset that transforms the financial trajectory of investment firms.  

Enhanced Agility: The Benefits of Increased Flexibility and Adaptability  

Agility is the lifeblood of success in the investment sector, and modernisation serves as the catalyst for enhanced flexibility and adaptability. 

By addressing legacy system challenges, CIOs, CDOs, and CTOs empower their organisation and can respond swiftly to market changes, seize opportunities, and navigate industry shifts with grace. The enhanced agility afforded by modernisation transcends operational efficiency; it becomes a strategic advantage that positions your organisation as a dynamic and responsive player in a constantly changing sector.  

Improved Security and Compliance: Heightening the Importance of Data Integrity and Regulatory Alignment   

Security and compliance are non-negotiable pillars in investment management. Modernisation is a technological upgrade – but it is also a commitment to ensuring data integrity and aligning with regulatory standards.  

By addressing legacy system challenges, investment leaders bolster the security of their firms, mitigating the risks of data breaches and compliance issues. This commitment to robust security and compliance standards not only safeguards sensitive information but also fortifies the trust of clients and stakeholders.  

Technological Innovation: How Modernisation Opens Doors to Adopting New Technologies 

Innovation is the heartbeat of progress and modernisation is the key that unlocks the doors of technological innovation. By embracing modern technologies, investment firms move beyond the constraints of legacy systems, opening avenues to adopt cutting-edge technologies.  

Whether it’s harnessing the power of Artificial Intelligence, leveraging data analytics for informed decision-making, or exploring the potential blockchain, modernisation propels investment leaders into the forefront of technological innovation.  

It’s not about catching up – it’s about leading the way in a digitally transformative era.  

The rewards of addressing legacy system challenges, the narrative shifts from the hurdles from the past to the promise of a vibrant future. Investment leaders who recognise the strategic value of modernisation pave the way for a resilient, agile, and technically advanced landscape, positioning their firms for sustained success in the competitive landscape.  

The Read Ahead: Navigating Legacy Systems in a Digital Era

The Evolving Landscape of Technology 

The journey to navigate legacy systems leads us to the crossroads of the digital era – a landscape that has been evolving at unprecedented speeds and complexity in recent years.  

As technology continues to redefine the investment sector, investment leaders stand at the centre of opportunity and challenge. The landscape presents promises and innovation but the imperative for adaption. From blockchain and artificial intelligence to cloud computing and data analytics, the possibilities are vast, and the choices made today shape your organisation’s future trajectory.  

In conclusion, the journey is not without challenges, but for those who navigate wisely, the rewards are boundless.  

Investment leaders are invited not just to tread the road ahead but to lead, innovate, and shape the narrative of investment management in the digital age.  

Are you ready to break free from the chains of legacy systems and lead your investment management firm into a future defined by innovation and success? Download our FREE Whitepaper, just fill out the form below!

From Legacy System to Leading Edge

FREE DOWNLOAD: From Legacy to Leading Edge: Transformative Strategies for CIOs, CDOs, and CTOs in Investment Management

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Breaking the Bank: How Legacy Systems Drain Your Budget Through High Maintenance Costs

Breaking the Bank: How Legacy Systems Drain Your Budget Through High Maintenance Costs

Breaking the Bank: How Legacy Systems Drain Your Budget Through High Maintenance Costs 


Picture this: a thriving business, built on years of hard work and dedication, suddenly finds itself shackled by the chains of outdated technology. Despite its past successes, the organisation is now faced with a daunting reality – a relentless drain on its financial resources.  

In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, the burden of legacy systems has become a silent but powerful force, quietly draining away funds that could otherwise fuel innovation and growth.  

Consider this startling statistic that highlights the pervasive impact of legacy systems: according to recent studies, over 80% of businesses still grapple with challenges posed by legacy technology. This is not a mere inconvenience; it’s a financial swamp that organisations of all sizes find themselves sinking into, and the consequences are far-reaching.  

Legacy systems are the remaining of outdated, software, hardware and infrastructure that were once the backbone of operational processes. These systems, although once cutting-edge, now hinder an organisation’s ability to adapt and respond to the demands of the modern business environment.  

Whether it’s archaic software applications, obsolete hardware or systems lacking compatibility with contemporary tools, legacy dependencies have permeated business. The prevalence of these outdated systems is not a testament to their effectiveness but rather a reflection of the reluctance or challenges organisations face in breaking free from the past.  

The reliance on systems that have the potential to break the bank, places business at a perilous crossroads where financial stability is compromised by the ever-increasing burden of maintenance costs.  

The Rising Tide of Legacy Maintenance Costs

To comprehend the full scope of the financial challenge posed by legacy systems, it’s crucial to dissect the traditional lifecycle costs that accompany their presence.  

Legacy systems, but their very nature, demand ongoing maintenance to remain operational. This includes routine tasks such as updates, patches, and troubleshooting. Yet as these systems age, the costs associated with sustaining them tend to follow an upward trajectory.  

From the initial implementation to the ongoing support required for outdated software and hardware. By understanding the layers of expenditure involved, we can better grasp why the seemingly static presence of legacy systems can be a ticking financial time bomb.  

The Hidden Costs Unveiled 

Beyond the visible surface of routine maintenance lies a realm of hidden costs that often escape the scrutiny of businesses. Let’s dive deep into these obscured financial intricacies exposing the often-overlooked expenses tied to the ongoing maintenance of legacy systems.  

From licencing fees and software updates to compatibility challenges, these are some layers of expenditure that silently accumulate, contributing to the financial strain on organisations.  

By bringing these hidden costs into focus, businesses can gain a comprehensive understanding of the financial implications associated with clinging to outdated technology.  

This financial strain, while apparent on balance sheets, extends beyond mere numbers, impacting the organisation’s ability to allocate budgets for strategic initiatives and technological advancements. 

Loss of Competitive Edge: 

Hidden Cost: Inability to adopt cutting-edge technologies and practices due to budget constraints on maintenance. 

Impact: Competitors who invest in modern systems may outpace the organisation, leading to a loss of market share and revenue. 

Reduced Employee Morale and Turnover: 

Hidden Cost: Frustration and burnout among employees dealing with outdated systems daily. 

Impact: Decreased job satisfaction increased turnover rates, and the subsequent costs of hiring and training new staff. 

Customer Dissatisfaction and Attrition: 

Hidden Cost: Customer dissatisfaction resulting from service delays, errors, or outdated features. 

Impact: Attrition of customers to competitors with more agile and technologically advanced offerings, leading to revenue loss. 

Increased Risk of Data Breaches: 

Hidden Cost: Security vulnerabilities in outdated systems may result in a higher risk of data breaches. 

Impact: Financial fallout from managing and mitigating the aftermath of a breach, including legal fees, regulatory fines, and damage to the organisation’s reputation. 

Inefficiencies in Business Processes: 

Hidden Cost: Inefficient workflows and operational bottlenecks due to outdated system limitations. 

Impact: Increased labour costs as employees spend more time navigating workarounds, leading to decreased overall operational efficiency. 

Lack of Scalability: 

Hidden Cost: Inability to scale operations efficiently due to rigid legacy systems. 

Impact: Missed opportunities for growth and expansion, with potential revenue streams left untapped. 

Extended Downtime and Disruptions: 

Hidden Cost: Unplanned downtime and disruptions during maintenance activities. 

Impact: Loss of revenue during downtime, potential penalties for failing to meet service level agreements, and damage to customer trust. 

Vendor Lock-In: 

Hidden Cost: Dependence on legacy vendors for support and updates. 

Impact: Limited negotiating power and potential price hikes from vendors, leading to increased overall costs. 

Regulatory Non-Compliance: 

Hidden Cost: Challenges in adapting legacy systems to meet evolving regulatory requirements. 

Impact: Fines and legal consequences for non-compliance, as well as the cost of retrofitting systems to meet new regulations. 

Obsolescence Risks: 

Hidden Cost: The risk of key components of legacy systems becoming obsolete and difficult to replace. 

Impact: Increased costs associated with finding or developing alternatives, potentially requiring a major system overhaul. 

All these represent a nuance in hidden costs that organisations must carefully consider when evaluating the impact of legacy systems maintenance on their overall financial health and operational efficiency.  

Recognising and addressing these hidden costs becomes imperative for organisations seeking to break free from the constraints of outdated technology and pave the way for strategic growth and resilience.  

Calculating the True Financial Impact

Maintenance costs, often perceived as static, can have a compounding effect over time. The trajectory of increasing maintenance costs illustrates how seemingly modest expenses escalate into significant financial burdens. By projecting these costs over the extended lifespan of legacy systems, organisations can gain insight into the cumulative financial strain imposed on their budgets.  

Through visualising the compounding effect, businesses can make informed decisions about the sustainability of relying on outdated technology.  

While the direct financial impact of legacy maintenance is crucial, understanding the opportunity costs is equally imperative. The indirect costs are incurred when budgets are allocated to legacy maintenance at the expense of innovation. Organisations often find themselves at a crossroads where resources dedicated to maintaining outdated systems could be redirected towards strategic initiatives and technological advancements. By assessing these opportunity costs, businesses can weigh the value of investing in modernisation efforts against the perpetuation of legacy dependencies.  

By quantifying the true financial impact, considering the compounding nature of maintenance costs, and addressing opportunity costs, businesses can chart a course toward financial resilience and strategic growth. The journey to break free from the financial shackles of legacy systems begins with a clear understanding of the multifaceted impact on your organisation’s fiscal health.  


Escaping the Vicious Cycle: Strategies for Modernisation

By exploring the concept that modernisation is not merely an expenditure by an investment. Modernisation is a long-term cost saving.  

Upgrading technology infrastructure, while requiring an initial commitment, serves as a safeguard against the escalating maintenance costs associated with legacy systems. Modernisation is a forward-looking financial strategy, as well as optimising your overall organisation, you can understand how a well-timed investment can break the vicious cycle of perpetual maintenance expenses that are nuanced with legacy systems. 

Transitioning away from legacy systems is not just about mitigating ongoing maintenance costs; it’s an investment in future returns.  

The potential return on investment that organizations can realize by migrating away from legacy systems. By assessing the gains in operational efficiency, improved productivity, and enhanced adaptability to market changes, businesses can quantify the financial benefits of modernization. Understanding the potential returns becomes a pivotal factor in justifying the decision to break free from the constraints of outdated technology. 

The journey towards modernisation is multifaceted, and you must tailor your approach to your unique needs and constraints.  

Whether the modernisation is a gradual phased transition, a comprehensive system overhaul, or embracing emerging technologies, like cloud solutions, each strategy comes with its own set of costs and benefits.  

As you navigate through these strategies, the overarching goal is to empower organisations with the knowledge needed to break free from the vicious cycle of legacy system challenges.  

By embracing modernisation as a strategic financial move, understanding the potential returns, and exploring diverse modernisation strategies, businesses can pave the way for a resilient, technologically advanced future.  

The key is not just in escaping the past, but in crafting a pathway towards sustained innovation and financial well-being. 


In this exploration of the financial intricacies surrounding legacy system maintenance, it is evident that the detrimental impact on budgets goes beyond the surface.  

The compounding maintenance costs, often underestimated and hidden, cast a shadow over organizational finances, hindering growth and innovation. 

To recap, legacy system maintenance costs create a pervasive financial strain, draining resources that could be channelled into strategic initiatives. From hidden operational inefficiencies to the escalating burden on staff productivity, the true cost extends beyond the dollars on balance sheets. The financial toll becomes a weighty impediment, limiting budgets for critical technological advancements and stifling an organization’s ability to stay competitive in a rapidly evolving landscape. 

The urgency for businesses to break free from the chains of legacy systems cannot be overstated. The cost of maintaining outdated technology is a relentless cycle that perpetuates budgetary constraints and operational inefficiencies. The longer your organisation hesitates to break free, the more entrenched it becomes in a financial swamp.  

This is a call to action, urging businesses to recognise the need for change and embrace a future unburdened by the weight of legacy dependencies. 

In closing, the path to financial stability lies in a forward-thinking approach to technology investment. By viewing modernisation not as a mere expense but as a strategic investment, organisations can secure long-term financial stability.  

Embracing cutting-edge technologies, exploring innovative solutions, and adopting a proactive stance toward change can free businesses from the shackles of perpetual maintenance costs. It’s a journey toward resilience, adaptability, and a future where technology empowers rather than hinders. 

As businesses navigate the evolving landscape of technology, the imperative is clear: break free from the past, embrace modernisation, and secure a financial future that is agile, innovative, and ready to thrive in the face of technological evolution.  

Ready to break free from the financial shackles of legacy systems and pave the way for a more resilient future?  

Download our comprehensive whitepaper now to gain invaluable insights into the true cost of maintaining outdated technology and the strategic advantages of modernisation and more 

Don’t let outdated technology impede your financial stability. It’s time to act, innovate, and secure a future where your organization thrives in the face of technological evolution.

Download our whitepaper today and embark on the path to financial resilience and technological empowerment.  

The journey towards financial liberation begins with the courage to step out of the shadow of legacy systems and into the light of a technologically advanced future. 

From Legacy System to Leading Edge

FREE DOWNLOAD: From Legacy to Leading Edge: Transformative Strategies for CIOs, CDOs, and CTOs in Investment Management

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From Data Warehouse Testing to Data Quality Management with BiG EVAL 

From Data Warehouse Testing to Data Quality Management with BiG EVAL 

From Data Warehouse Testing to Data Quality Management with BiG EVAL 

It’s the beginning of the year, and what better way to kick 2024 off than joining us for our first Engaging Data Bites of 2024!    

This insightful Lunch and Learn Webinar will be hosted with our partners BiG EVAL, where will unpack the success story of Helsana Health Insurance’s journey From Data Warehouse Testing to Data Quality Management. 

As we unfold this success story, we invite you to join our Engaging Data Bites session, From Data Warehouse Testing to Data Quality Management with BiG EVAL.  

Join us and explore the nuances of the journey, gain insights from industry experts, and discover how your organization can embark on a similar path towards data excellence!

The Session

Come and join us for this next session with BiG EVAL! 

  • Date: 25th January 2024 
  • Time: 12:30pm – 1:30 pm GMT 
  • Location: Online Webinar, hosted on Microsoft Teams 

Why Should You Attend?

  • Real-Life Success Story Unveiled 
  • Revolutionise Your Data Approach 
  • Expert Insights and Industry Best Practices 
  • Future-Proofing Your Data Infrastructure 
  • Interactive Q&A Session 

Save your spot now!  

About BiG EVAL

BiG EVAL maximizes everyone’s trust in your data through intelligent, continuous validation ensuring data quality, while also speeding up the development of data-centric projects and DataOps process automation.  

Integrate test cases into your continuous delivery process to verify system components, or even into your data integration process for automated data validation.  

The BiG EVAL data validation resource centre includes predefined test templates and examples to accelerate your data quality journey with BiG EVAL, aiming to get you up and running in days, not months.  

Want to learn more about BiG EVAL? Click the button below!