Embrace the Freedom to Experiment and Innovate with CI/CD

Embrace the Freedom to Experiment and Innovate with CI/CD

Join us for our next Engaging Data Bites session where we’ll uncover the untapped potential of Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) for data modellers, data engineers and data nerds!  

In this session, we’ll explore how CI/CD isn’t just about automation – it’s about giving data modellers and engineers the freedom to experiment, innovate, and, yes, ‘f*ck about and find out’.  

🗓️ Date: 19th June 

⏰ Time: 2pm – 3pm  

📍 Location: Online, hosted on Microsoft Teams 

Why Join? The Key Takeaways

Unlock Agile Data Development:  Discover how CI/CD enables data teams to iterate rapidly and respond to changing requirements with ease.

Foster Collaboration: Break down silos between data modellers and engineers, fostering collaboration and driving efficiency across your organisation. 

Embrace Failure as Growth: Learn how to embrace failure as a natural part of the innovation process, turning setbacks into valuable learning opportunities. 

Accelerate Innovation:  See firsthand how CI/CD accelerates innovation by streamlining deployment processes and reducing time-to-market for new data solutions. 

Realise Your Data Potential:  Hear from industry experts who have leveraged CI/CD to transform their data practices and drive impactful business outcomes. 

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to learn how CI/CD can break boundaries and allow Data Modellers and Engineers to innovate fearlessly.  

Reserve your spot now! 

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