The Impact of Outdated Technology on Modern Businesses

The Impact of Outdated Technology on Modern Businesses

The Impact of Outdated Technology on Modern Businesses

Technology evolves at a breakneck pace, and what was once cutting-edge can quickly become obsolete. 

Have you ever wondered how your outdated technology affects your business today?

Well, luckily for you that’s what we’re covering in this blog post!  

Imagine trying to run a marathon in an old pair of worn-out trainers. That’s how businesses feel when they rely on outdated technology.  

The world of technology moves quickly, and keeping up is crucial for success.  

What is Outdated Technology?

Outdated technology, also known as legacy technology, legacy systems, and heritage systems, refers to systems, software, and hardware that are no longer considered current or efficient.  

These technologies have been superseded by newer, more effective solutions but are still in use due to various reasons, such as cost or resistance to change – which we have covered in this blog post.

Why Does Technology Become Outdated?

Technology becomes outdated for several reasons:  

  • Advancements in Technology: Newer technologies often provide functionality, efficiency, and user experience.  
  • Incompatibility: As new systems and software are developed, older technologies may no longer be compatible. 
  • Cost of Maintenance: Maintaining and repairing old technology can be more expensive than upgrading to newer solutions 
  • Security Risks: Older technologies often lack the latest security features, making them vulnerable to cyber threats.  


The Impact of Outdated Technology on Business

Relying on outdated technology can have significant negative effects on businesses. Let’s break down these impacts.  

Operational Inefficiencies:  

Old technology can slow down business processes.  

For example, using an outdated CRM system can make it harder to track customer interactions and sales, leading to inefficiencies and lost opportunities.  

Security Vulnerabilities:  

Outdated systems are more susceptible to cyberattacks. Hackers often exploit vulnerabilities in old software that no longer receives security updates, putting sensitive business and customer data at risk. 

Increased Costs 

Maintaining and repairing old technology can be costly. Additionally, outdated systems may require more energy, leading to higher operational costs.  

Investing in new technology can result in long-term savings.  

Compatibility Issues: 

Older technologies may not integrate well with newer systems.  

This can create a fragmented IT environment, making it difficult to streamline operations and share data effectively across the organisation. 

Loss of Competitive Edge 

Staying ahead of the competition is crucial. Companies that use outdated technology may struggle to keep up with competitors who leverage the latest innovations to enhance their products, services, and customer experiences.  

Customer Dissatisfaction 

Customers expect efficient, reliable service.  

Outdated technology can lead to slower response times, errors, and poor overall experience. This can result in lost customers and a damaged reputation.  

Modernising Legacy Systems

Okay, so we have covered outdated technology and how it can be detrimental to your organisation. But how do you overcome these issues?  

Modernising these outdated, legacy systems!  

Modernising Legacy Systems involves updating or replacing outdated technology to improve efficiency, security, and compatibility. Here are some strategies:  

  • Cloud Migration: Moving data and applications to the cloud can enhance accessibility, scalability, and security. 
  • Software Updated: Regularly updating software ensures access to the latest features and security patches.  
  • Adopting New Technologies: Investing in new hardware and software can boost performance and support business growth.  
  • Training Employees: Ensuring employees are trained to use new technologies effectively is crucial for a smooth transition.  

The Future of Business Technology

The future of business technology lies in continuous innovation.  

Technologies like artificial intelligence, AI, machine learning, ML, and the Internet of Things, IoT, are transforming how businesses operate. Staying informed about emerging trends and being willing to adapt is key to maintaining a competitive edge.  

(If you want an easy way to stay updated on these things easily – just subscribe to our newsletter!) 


Outdated technology is like an anchor, holding your business back in the fast-moving sea of innovation.  

By understanding the impact of legacy systems and outdated technology and being proactive to modernise, your business can improve efficiency, security and customer satisfaction.  

Embracing new technology is not an option; it’s a necessity for survival and growth.  

Schedule a Call Now.

Unlock the full potential of your organisation innovation journey! 


What is considered outdated technology? 

Outdated technology refers to hardware, software, or systems that are no longer efficient or effective due to newer advancements. 

Why do businesses continue to use outdated technology? 

Businesses may use outdated technology due to cost constraints, resistance to change, or the complexity of upgrading systems. 

How can outdated technology affect customer satisfaction?

Outdated technology can lead to slower service, errors, and a poor customer experience, resulting in dissatisfaction and potential loss of customers. 

What are the risks of using outdated technology?

Using outdated technology can result in security vulnerabilities, operational inefficiencies, higher maintenance costs, and compatibility issues. 

How can businesses modernise their technology?

Businesses can modernise by migrating to the cloud, updating software, adopting new technologies, and training employees to use these technologies effectively. 

Powering Data Innovation: Engaging Data and Databricks Partnership

Powering Data Innovation: Engaging Data and Databricks Partnership

Powering Data Innovation: Engaging Data and Databricks Partnership

Collaboration is key to unlocking the full potential of information. Today, we are excited to shed light on the partnership between us, Engaging Data and Databricks! A partnership poised to redefine the way your business harnesses the power of data.  

Engaging Data, known for successfully transforming businesses using data, has joined forces with Databricks, a leader in unified data analytics, to users in a new era of innovation and efficiency.  

Engaging Data have partnered with Databricks, the data and AI company, to drive business value by unifying data and artificial intelligence (AI). The announcement provides inherent value by: 

  • Enhance Data Analytics Capabilities: By harnessing the advanced analytics capabilities of Databricks, businesses can unlock deeper insights and make informed decisions with confidence. From predictive modelling to real-time analytics, the platform offers a suite of tools to tackle even the most complex data challenges.  
  • Improve Data Integration: One of the biggest hurdles in data analytics is integrating disparate data sources seamlessly. With our expertise in data integration coupled with Databricks’ unified platform, businesses can streamline workflows, ensuring data consistency and accuracy across the board.  
  • Innovation in Data Science: This partnership paves the way for groundbreaking innovation in data science, enabling businesses to stay ahead of the curve. By fostering collaboration and knowledge sharing, Engaging Data and Databricks empower teams to explore new avenues and drive meaningful outcomes through data-driven insights. 

Databricks’ Lakehouse Platform helps organizations accelerate innovation by unifying data teams with an open, scalable platform for all of their data-driven use cases. From streaming analytics and AI to business intelligence (BI), Databricks provides a modern lakehouse architecture that unifies data engineering, data science, machine learning and analytics within a single collaborative platform. 

Are you ready to harness the power of data-driven insights for your business? Explore the possibilities offered by the Engaging Data and Databricks partnership today.  

Contact us to learn more about how we can help you drive innovation, streamline processes, and unlock the full potential of your data. Don’t wait – seize the opportunity to transform your business and stay ahead of the competition.  

Understanding the Significance of ISO Certification: What it Means for You

Understanding the Significance of ISO Certification: What it Means for You

Understanding the Significance of ISO Certification: What it Means for You      

ISO Certification is a globally recognised standard that outlines the criteria for a quality management system (QMS). It is awarded to organisations that demonstrate their ability to consistently provide products and services that meet customer and regulatory requirements.  

For businesses, obtaining ISO Certification signifies a commitment to excellence and continual improvement. Let us boast for a second, but we have obtained ISO certification, which you can read about here: Setting the Standard: Engaging Data Achieves ISO 9001 Certification for Exceptional Quality and Customer Satisfaction

However, the benefits extend beyond the organisation itself, profoundly impacting clients and stakeholders.  

Benefits of ISO Certification for Clients: 

Clients reap numerous advantages when partnering with ISO Certified organisations:

  • Consistent Product and Service Quality: ISO Certification ensures that clients receive products and services of consistent quality, leading to greater reliability and satisfaction 
  • Increased Customer Satisfaction and Trust: Clients trust ISO Certified providers to deliver on their promises, fostering long-lasting relationships built on trust and satisfaction 
  • Demonstrated Commitment to Quality and Continuous Improvement: ISO Certification signals a provider’s dedication to maintaining high standards of quality and continuously improving processes to meet evolving client needs.  

Enhanced Client-Provider Relationship: 

ISO Certification strengthens the bond between clients and providers :

  • Reassurance of Reliability and Professionalism: Clients view ISO Certification as a testament to provider’s reliability, professionalism and capability to deliver exceptional results 
  • Improved Communication and Understanding: Certification encourages open communication and a deeper understanding of client needs, leading to tailored solutions and enhanced service delivery.  
  • Facilitates Long-Term Partnerships: By consistently meeting or exceeding client expectations, ISO Certified providers cultivate long-term partnerships and encourages repeat business.  

Competitive Advantage for Clients: 

Clients gain a competitive edge by partnering with ISO Certified providers: 

  • Access to Certified Providers: Clients benefit from working with providers who adhere to international quality standards, ensuring superior products and services 
  • Differentiation in the Marketplace: ISO Certification sets clients apart from competitors, demonstrating a commitment to quality that resonates with discerning customers. 

Risk Mitigation and Compliance:

ISO certification helps clients mitigate risks and ensure compliance:

  • Minimises Quality and Compliance Risks: Clients minimise the risk of defects, errors and non-compliance with ISO Certified providers, safeguarding their reputation.  
  • Meets Regulatory Requirements: Certification ensures clients meet regulatory requirements and industry standards, avoiding penalties and legal ramifications. 
  • Effective Risk Management: ISO Certification provides a structured framework for identifying, assessing and mitigating risks, enabling clients to proactively manage potential issues.  

Empowering Clients with Quality Assurance:

ISO Certification empowers clients with assurance and confidence:

  • Informed Decision-Making: Clients can make informed decisions based on the assurance of quality provided by ISO Certification, minimising uncertainty and risk 
  • Enhanced Brand Reputation: By partnering with ISO Certified providers, clients enhance their brand reputation and image in the eyes of clients and consumers. 
  • Promotes Transparency and Accountability: Certification promoted transparency and accountability throughout the supply ensuring ethical practices and responsible behaviour. 

To conclude, ISO Certification holds immense significance for clients, offering tangible benefits that extend beyond quality assurance. By partnering with ISO Certified providers (like us) clients gain access to consistent quality, enhanced relationships, competitive advantages, risk mitigation, and empowerment through quality assurance.  

Ultimately, ISO Certification fosters mutual success and prosperity for both businesses and clients alike.  

So, if you want to work with an ISO Certified company, just get in touch.

Unravelling the Persistence: Why Are Legacy Systems Still Used? 

Unravelling the Persistence: Why Are Legacy Systems Still Used? 

Unravelling the Persistence: Why Are Legacy Systems Still Used? 

Legacy systems have long been the backbone of many businesses, providing reliability and specialised functionality. Despite the reliable role legacy systems play within these organisations, the rapid pace of technological evolution prompts us to scrutinise and ask the question: Why are Legacy Systems Still Used?  

The persistence in using these systems should no longer be happening and there is a necessity for change.  

The allure of the latest trends often overshadows the benefits of legacy systems. While the adoption of cutting-edge technologies may sound enticing in marketing materials, the reality is that many businesses continue to rely on systems that have been in place for decades.  

This blog post will delve into the reasons behind the continued use of legacy systems, the associated challenges, and strategies for navigating this complex terrain.  

Understanding Legacy Systems: A Foundation and a Challenge

Legacy systems, encompassing outdated technology, software or hardware, have become synonymous with the operational history of organisations. Although these systems are integral, their lack of modern features poses challenges, making it imperative for businesses to assess the need for change. 

Challenges of Legacy Systems:  

  • Maintenance and Support Challenges: As legacy systems age, vendors may cease support, charge premiums for maintenance, and withhold updates, leaving businesses vulnerable to operational disruptions. 
  • Security Vulnerabilities: Built with outdated technology, legacy systems become susceptible to cyber-attacks. The absence of regular updates exacerbates security risks, potentially leading to data breaches. 
  • Inefficiency in Modern Business: Legacy systems may struggle to meet the dynamic needs of modern business operations, hindering efficiency, scalability, and the ability to handle increased demands. 
  • Compliance Challenges: Evolving regulations may render legacy systems non-compliant, exposing businesses to legal and financial risks. Generating required reports for compliance becomes challenging, undermining regulatory adherence. 

If this list wasn’t long enough, we have discussed more problems with legacy systems here: Unpacking the Legacy: A Deep Dive into Investment Management Systems

Why Business Still Use Legacy Systems: The Dilemma

Despite these challenges, several compelling reasons drive businesses to maintain their allegiance to legacy systems.  

  • Cost of Transitioning: The upfront costs of transitioning from legacy to modern systems, including installation, integration, and employee training, pose financial challenges, especially for organizations on a budget. 
  • Fulfilling Critical Business Needs: Legacy systems, having evolved to meet specific business requirements, remain critical to operations. Replacing them risks disrupting business processes that have been finely tuned over time. 
  • Ease of Maintenance: Internal teams’ specialized skills and established relationships with third-party vendors offering support for legacy systems make maintenance easier than transitioning to unfamiliar modern systems. 
  • Customization and Specific Functionality: Legacy systems may have unique features tailored to specific business needs, making it difficult for organizations to transition without sacrificing critical functionality. 
  • Interoperability: Integrated with various systems, databases, and applications, legacy systems are customized to work seamlessly within existing ecosystems. Replacing them requires significant investments in time, effort, and resources to ensure compatibility.

Strategies for Navigating Legacy Systems: A Balanced Approach

While the allure of modernisation is undeniable, businesses must adopt strategies that align with their unique needs and constraints.  

  • Evaluation of Risks and Benefits: A thorough assessment of the risks and benefits of both legacy and modern systems is essential. This evaluation, done in consultation with internal teams, provides insights into which system aligns best with business needs. 
  • Modernization through Updating or Replacement: Incremental modernization by updating or replacing outdated components can improve functionality, security, and scalability. A phased approach minimizes disruption to business operations. 
  • Hybrid Solutions: Leveraging a combination of legacy and modern technologies through hybrid solutions allows businesses to enjoy the benefits of both systems, striking a balance between familiarity and innovation. 

The Future of Legacy Systems: Adapting for Continued Relevance

As technology advances, legacy systems will play a pivotal role in bridging the old and the new technologies.  

  • Data Integration: Legacy systems can integrate data with newer systems, providing a comprehensive view of business operations. 
  • Application Programming Interfaces (APIs): APIs connect legacy systems with newer technologies, enabling data exchange and leveraging the latest advancements. 
  • Web Services: Exposing legacy systems as web services extends their compatibility with newer technologies, prolonging their lifespan. 
  • System Orchestration: Utilizing legacy systems as central hubs for coordinating data and workflows between different systems ensures continued relevance. 


Embracing Modernisation: How to Better Your Business

While legacy systems have served as reliable workhorses for many businesses, the imperative to modernise is more crucial than ever. Here are why businesses should consider modernisation, even when fully entrenched in the familiarity of legacy systems.  

  • Enabling Innovation and Future-Proofing: Modernization opens doors to innovation, empowering businesses to harness emerging technologies like AI and data analytics for sustained success. 
  • Meeting Evolving Customer Expectations: Adapting to dynamic customer needs is crucial. Modernization ensures your organization can deliver seamless, personalized experiences, enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty. 
  • Staying Competitive in the Digital Landscape: In a rapidly evolving business landscape, modernization is key to staying competitive. It signals a commitment to progress, positioning your business as a forward-thinking industry leader. 
  • Mitigating Security and Compliance Risks: Modern systems provide robust security features, reducing the risk of data breaches. Compliance with evolving regulations becomes more manageable, minimizing legal and financial risks. 
  • Enhancing Operational Efficiency: Legacy systems may become bottlenecks over time. Modernization streamlines processes improves productivity, and enables seamless scalability for business growth. 
  • Facilitating Interconnected Ecosystems: In today’s interconnected business world, modernization fosters collaboration by overcoming the integration challenges posed by legacy systems. 
  • Attracting and Retaining Top Talent: Modernization appeals to the modern workforce, attracting tech-savvy professionals and contributing to overall employee satisfaction and retention. 

In essence, while legacy systems have played a crucial role, modernisation is the strategic step forward for businesses aiming to thrive in the digital age. By embracing change, organisations position themselves for innovation, growth, and sustainability.

In conclusion, while legacy systems continue to be indispensable for many businesses, an understanding of their challenges and the adoption of thoughtful modernisation strategies are crucial. By navigating the delicate balance between the comfort of the familiar and the need for progress, businesses can embrace sustainable growth in today’s fast-paced business environment. 

Unlock the Future: Download Our Whitepaper

As you navigate the complex landscape of legacy systems and modernisation strategies, we urge you to delve deeper into the insights and practical guidance we’ve compiled in our exclusive whitepaper, titled ‘From Legacy to Leading Edge.’  

This comprehensive resource is crafted to empower CIOs, CDOs, and CTOs in the UK investment management industry with the knowledge and strategies needed to transition seamlessly into the future. 

Download our FREE Whitepaper, just fill out the form below!

From Legacy System to Leading Edge

FREE DOWNLOAD: From Legacy to Leading Edge: Transformative Strategies for CIOs, CDOs, and CTOs in Investment Management

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Setting the Standard: Engaging Data Achieves ISO 9001 Certification for Exceptional Quality and Customer Satisfaction 

Setting the Standard: Engaging Data Achieves ISO 9001 Certification for Exceptional Quality and Customer Satisfaction 

Setting the Standard:

Engaging Data Achieves ISO 9001 Certification for Exceptional Quality and Customer Satisfaction 

Everyone wants exceptional quality and customer satisfaction in their organisation – obviously! Companies are constantly seeking ways to stand out and deliver unparalleled value to their customers.  

This is why at Engaging Data, we embarked on a journey towards achieving ISO 9001 certification. 

This is a testament to our unwavering commitment to quality and customer-centric practices.  

This blog post explores the significance of our ISO 9001 certification and how it reinforces our dedication to setting the standard for excellence (and we want to boast a little bit, it is a great achievement!) 

Understanding ISO 9001 Certification 

ISO 9001 certification is more than just a stamp of approval – it’s a mark of distinction in the business world.  

This internationally recognized standard signifies a company’s adherence to a rigorous quality management system that ensures consistent excellence in products and services.  

ISO 9001’s emphasis on systematic processes, continuous improvement, and customer satisfaction aligns perfectly with Engaging Data’s core values. 

Engaging Data’s Commitment to Quality 

From the beginning, we have set a high bar in terms of quality.  

Our dedication to delivering products and services that exceed customer expectations has been the cornerstone of their success.  

Before pursuing ISO 9001 certification, we had robust quality management practices in place, making the certification journey a logical step forward. 

The Certification Journey

The path to ISO 9001 certification is no small feat, and our small back-office team embraced the challenge wholeheartedly.  

The journey consisted of multiple essential steps: 

  • Internal Assessment – Engaging Data conducted a thorough evaluation of their existing processes to identify strengths and areas requiring improvement. 
  • Gap Identification – Gaps between current practices and ISO 9001 requirements were pinpointed, providing a roadmap for enhancements. 
  • Implementation of Changes – Necessary changes were introduced to align with ISO 9001 standards, promoting efficiency and quality. 
  • Documentation – Processes and procedures were meticulously documented to ensure clarity and consistency. 
  • Employee Training – A culture of quality was cultivated through employee training and awareness programs. 
  • Pre-Certification Audits – Rigorous audits were conducted to ensure adherence to ISO 9001 criteria.  

Throughout this journey, our back-office team faced challenges that tested their resolve, but the spirit of teamwork and collaboration prevailed, driving them toward their goal. 

Benefits of ISO 9001 Certification

The ISO 9001 certification has already begun to bear fruit for Engaging Data: 

  • Streamlined Processes – ISO 9001 has facilitated the optimization of internal processes, resulting in increased efficiency and reduced waste. 
  • Enhanced Quality Control – Rigorous quality checks at every stage have become a norm, leading to higher quality products and services. 
  • Increased Customer Satisfaction – Engaging Data’s customer-centric approach is further fortified by ISO 9001, fostering lasting customer relationships. 
  • Improved Internal Communication – Clear documentation and defined processes have improved communication within the organization. 

Customer-Centric Approach

Our commitment to our clients shines even brighter with ISO 9001 certification.  

The systematic approach of ISO 9001 aligns seamlessly with Engaging Data’s client-focused values. Through consistent communication channels, we collect and act upon customer feedback, resulting in a continuous improvement loop that enhances customer satisfaction.

The Future with ISO 9001 Certification 

This certification marks not the end, but the beginning of a journey of continual improvement for Engaging Data.  

We are poised to maintain the high standards set by ISO 9001 while constantly seeking ways to enhance its quality management systems. Additionally, the certification could pave the way for further accolades and recognition within the industry. 

In achieving ISO 9001 certification, this demonstrates our commitment to delivering nothing short of excellence.  

This milestone is not just an achievement for the back-office team but Engaging Data as a whole! 

Yes, this blog post was us boasting a little bit, please forgive us!  

But it is exciting news for us and will benefit our future clients, giving them an understanding of our standards of working and always striving for greatness in both quality and client experience.  

How Data Automation Will Optimize Your Organisation

How Data Automation Will Optimize Your Organisation

How Data Automation Will Optimize Your Organisation


In today’s world it is arguably that the backbone of every organisation is Data.  

 From small startups to large corporations, data is everywhere and should be used effectively. For making informed business decisions, understanding customer behaviour, and improving overall efficiency – data is essential to drive further success.  

Yet, manually collecting, analysing and interpreting data can be a time-consuming and error-prone process due to the flawed nature of the human intervention. This is where Data Automation can be hugely beneficial to you and your whole organisation.  

Data Automation is the process of collecting, processing and presenting data using automated tools, instead of performing these tasks manually. Data Automation eliminates the reliance on manual labour with bots that do the job for you: more efficiently.  

With almost no human intervention, the automated process of collecting, transforming, storing and analysing data using well-designed methods, software and Artificial Intelligence will optimize your organisation.    





Data Automation can…

Save Time and Money:

With a plethora of automation tools on the market and being more accessible than ever before – why are you yet to adopt the technology that saves you time and money.  

Data Automation is designed with what people want in mind, making their lives simpler, eliminating the need to do manual, mundane tasks, and instead focusing on tasks where their skillsets are utilised effectively and proactively.  

It is easy to locate opportunities and areas for Data Automation on your own – once you know what to look for. A task that can allow for data automation usually involve:  

  • A lot of data entry 
  • Repeatable and repetitious actions 
  • Any margin for error 

Stop doing tasks manually and automate them. Optimize your team’s time with more meaningful work and reduce costs across your organisation.

Create Accurate and Fast Data:

The value of data comes from its quality. With mundane, time-consuming, and costly manual tasks completed by teams, it creates these processes to be slower and less accurate.  

With the adoption and implementation of Data Automation within your organisation, mundane tasks will become obsolete and replaced with automated processes.  

Data Automation can help analyse data faster and more effectively. With the ability to do a variety of tasks, Data Automation is especially helpful and can be used for data discovery, data preparation and data warehouse maintenance.  

Not only does Data Automation allow for your team to focus on more meaningful tasks which use their skillsets more effectively, but it bridges the gap and makes your data faster and more accurate – garnering more business success.  

Pairing Data Automation with Data Streaming and Data Quality tools will make your data faster and even more accurate, also allowing for: 

  • Durability 
  • Reliability 
  • Scalability 
  • ETL Capabilities 

Create Better Documentation:

Raise your hand if you enjoy data documentation? Let’s be real; documentation isn’t the most exciting part of working with data. However, its importance cannot be understated.  

The data documentation process can be difficult and not the most enjoyable. However, automating data documentation is an obvious solution to the problem that you face when working with data.  

Removing manual work of maintaining the documentation and creates a consistent process, overall ensuring reliable and trustworthy data and insights across your organisation.  

Documentation is one of those things you’d thank your past self for doing, it is always a great resource to look back on.  

Understandably, you’re probably too busy to document everything like decisions, statuses and steps for handling repetitive tasks. So, why don’t you automate it!  

Automating your documentation process will: 

  • With a single source of truth, save time and energy  
  • Improve quality and process control 
  • Cuts down duplicative work 
  • Makes hiring and onboarding simpler 
  • Make everyone in your organisation market with a single source of truth. 

Teams who are yet to start automating their data documentation are missing out on serious time, capacity and data literacy opportunities.  

Make all your Data in One Central Repository:

Imagine having one single place where you would have one single source of information. Sounds like a dream, right?  

Well, make that dream a reality with the implementation of a central Data Repository.  

A central data repository is a collection of stored data from existing databases merged into one so that it may be shared, analysed or updated throughout your entire organisation. It is essentially created by integrating the data from all available sources. 

Having all your data in a central repository allows for your data to be easily organised, analysed and secured. As well as this, it can help your business fast-track decision-making by offering a consolidated place to store data critical to your business operations.  

With ETL Data Automation tools, you can Extract, Transform and Load data seamlessly and efficiently into a central data repository, whether that is a Data Warehouse or a Data Lake, for example. 

Make your Data Storage System Scalable:

The need for a secure, reliable and efficient data storage solution has increased. Yet, businesses struggle with data storage as a result of the proper infrastructure to handle growing data. 

With the fluctuation and expansion of business, a scalable data storage system is a necessity to cope with needs and the quickly changing nature of business.  

Using Data Automation software, it is ready to scale as your business expands, as well as balancing your team’s workloads, highlighting bottlenecks and reducing resource consumption.  

Scalable data storage solutions are flexible, easy to manage and can handle exponential growth – far superior to outdated, traditional solutions with limited functionality.  

The data storage solution you choose should be reliable and efficient to allow your business to thrive.  

It can be difficult to choose with a plethora of storage solutions on the market, yet working with us, the Experts behind Data Automation, we will make the solution simple and adhere to your specific requirements. 

Modernise your Legacy Data Warehouse:

Organisations in today’s modern business world are being bombarded with data from various sources. Data which you need to collect, analyse, store and ultimately use in order to drive business decisions.  

Legacy Data Warehouses weren’t built with today’s digital capabilities and requirements.  

They are slow, rigid and generally expensive, with upfront and ongoing maintenance costs. This results in a more limited set of analytical capabilities, and it is slower to uncover business insights – making the decision-making process significantly slower. 

Modernising your Legacy Data Warehouse is a necessity for your organisation. Despite it not being the easiest process, you will benefit hugely from the modernisation of your Data Warehouse. 

Here some benefits of Modernising your Data Warehouse and working with the Experts behind Data Automation, to achieve this modernisation: 

  • Cost Reduction 
  • Improved Profitability 
  • Sales Projections  
  • Standardized Processes  
  • Improved Efficiencies  

With data growing significantly, your business will need an infrastructure that can manage and store this data to provide you with valuable insights and stay ahead within the competitive marketplace.  

Modern Data Warehouses are more flexible, intuitive, and efficient when it comes to storing and managing data. 

Increase Productivty within Your Organisation:

In search of optimisation and efficiency within business, Data Automation is the way forwards, and your company should embrace it.

Data Automation has always been propelled by the desire to get more done, reduce costs and limit human error, simultaneously.  

Create a higher level of efficiency with Data Automation. 

Eliminate Data Silos:

When it comes to decision-making, intuition is fine, but data is even better – you should rely on it. 

However, Data silos are a pain point for a lot of companies. Being a big blocker for decision-making, Data silos often get in the way of your business success.  

A data silo is a repository of data that’s controlled by one department or business unit and isolated from the rest of an organization. Often common in bigger companies, data silos can arise in any sized company and cause huge issues: 

  • Give an incomplete view of your business 
  • Create a less collaborative environment 
  • Lead to poor customer experience 
  • Slow the pace of your company’s growth and development 
  • Create security risks 
  • Threaten the quality and accuracy of your data 

With the implementation of Data Automation, Data silos will become obsolete, breaking down Data Silos and connecting data assets by: 

  • Data integration 
  • Data Storage 
  • Enterprise Data Management & Governance 
  • Culture Change surrounding data 

With all these benefits it is simple to say that implementing Data Automation within your organisation is a no brainer! It is a powerful tool to have in your organisation’s toolbelt. 

 It can optimize your organisation by streamlining data collection, improving accuracy, enhancing data analysis, increasing productivity and improving decision-making.  

By automating your data processes, you can save time, reduce errors and make better use of resources.  

At Engaging Data, we understand that you need data built efficiently to gain value quickly.  

Using innovative Data Automation tools, we will help you seamlessly integrate your data into accessible and secure platforms.  

Building Data for a purpose, we only process your relevant information to achieve your goals.  

Do more with less effort.  

If you haven’t already implemented Data Automation in your organisation, now is the time to consider doing so.


 Implement Data Automation within your organisation and work with The Experts behind Data Automation.

Start your Data Automation transformation.

Get in touch or fill out the form below to discuss how Data Automation will optimize your organisation: