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Legacy Systems are Killing Your Business

Legacy Systems are Killing Your Business Legacy systems are outdated software and hardware that remain in use, despite new alternatives being available.  These systems often form the backbone of business operations.   However, as technology evolves, the limitations of...

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The Impact of Outdated Technology on Modern Businesses

The Impact of Outdated Technology on Modern Businesses Technology evolves at a breakneck pace, and what was once cutting-edge can quickly become obsolete.  Have you ever wondered how your outdated technology affects your business today? Well, luckily for you that's...

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Is Kimball Data Modelling Dead

Is Kimball Data Modelling Dead? Are you still relying on traditional data warehousing approaches, like Kimball, to manage your data? If so, it's time to rethink your strategy. The truth is, traditional data warehousing is no longer sufficient for today's complex data...

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When Should You Hire a Data Consultant?

When Should You Hire a Data Consultant? Businesses of all sizes are drowning in data. It is everywhere – sales figures, customer information, market trends, and more.  But having all this data is useless if you don't know what to do with it.   This is where a data...

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The Misconceptions about Data Vault

The Misconceptions about Data Vault Data Vault methodology is a game-changer in the realm of Data Warehousing. Its agile and scalable design offers businesses unparalleled flexibility in managing and analysing data while ensuring its integrity remains intact.   Common...

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5 Ways Legacy System Reviews Boost Business Efficiency 

5 Ways Legacy System Reviews Boost Business Efficiency Legacy System Reviews play a pitvotal role in driving business efficiency by identifying areas for improvement and optimising.   This blog post explores 5 ways Legacy system Reviews can boost business efficiency...

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Overcoming Data Storage Challenges: Embracing Data Vault 

Overcoming Data Storage Challenges: Embracing Data Vault The landscape of data management is continually changing, with this, businesses are constantly challenged to find efficient, secure and scalable solutions to store and manage their volumes of data.   Traditional...

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