Why you need Data Specialists within your Organisation


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Why you need Data Specialists within your Organisations

Data is a specialism of IT and one of the fastest-growing industries. This results from the increasing importance of data’s role in our everyday lives.

Everything from our healthcare to our entertainment is driven by information produced by millions of people worldwide. Through the continuation of human life, it is arguable that data is, and will continue to, be created exponentially in more significant volumes and on a larger scale.

Therefore, the data landscape is vast and diverse. Consequently, becoming data literate within your organisation is a must and, when used successfully, can become the most valuable asset for a competitive advantage.

What is Data used for?

Data is the plain facts and statistics collected during the operations of a business, which can then be used to measure or record a diverse range of business activities, both internal and external. Whilst the data itself may not be the most informative, it is the foundation for all reporting and, therefore, crucial to your business’ success.

It needs to be said that there is a distinct difference between data and information. Data is raw facts and statistics. In contrast, information is data with a context that gives meaning and relevance.

Another way to look at information is: data that has been interpreted and presented in a more meaningful context that shows an informed narrative, allowing organisations to make better decisions based on facts.

Why is Data important?

As previously discussed, the data landscape is vast and diverse. With a significant amount of data at our disposal, organisations need to use this data. But what can you gain from data, and why is it so important?

1. Improved People’s Lives –

Data will help you improve thequality of your life for the people you support. Having the correct data will allow you to measure what matters and use this data to enhance your organisation and improve your employees’ work lives. Creating knowledge-based decisions through the use of the information which is presented within data.

2. Make Informed Decisions –

Data is knowledge. Good data provides indisputable evidence. Anecdotal evidence, assumptions or observations may feel correct, but they’re not. Data allows you to make informed decisions based on knowledge, information and insights.

3. Reduces Risk –

Data allows you to monitor the health of essential aspects of your organisation. Using data, organisations can respond rapidly to challenges before they become hugely detrimental to the whole organisation.

4. Get the Results you Want –

Data allows you to measure what matters. Measuring what matters grants you the ability to focus on the correct aspects of your business. Eliminate problems before they arise, as you can see the flaws and downfalls due to the information given as a result of using data effectively.

5. Back Up Your Arguments –

Data is a crucial component in telling you what is correct. Data will help you create a strong argument as to why something is working or something isn’t working. Illustrating a perspective supported by data will allow you to demonstrate how and why changes need to be made.

6. Stop the Guessing Game –

Data will help you explain decisions to your stakeholders, CXOs and others in your organisation. Whether your strategies and decisions are working, you can be confident that you’ve developed your approach based on good data, not guesswork.

7. Keep Track of Everything –

Good data allows an organisation to establish baselines, benchmarks and goals to keep moving forward efficiently. Data will enable you to measure performance and see if goals have been reached. And if they haven’t been reached, what the was reason behind this.

Why your Organisation needs Data Specialists.

With the exponential growth in data usage across countless organisations, the demand for Data Specialists is growing too.

Without the expertise of a professional who can utilise data effectively, data is nothing, and you cannot leverage the true power of it. It needs to be said that data is the critical driver of any organisation’s growth. Yet data needs to receive the attention it deserves – therefore, your organisation will reap the huge benefits of it.

In 2023, organisations need to be data-driven. However, many are only brushing the surface of this, employing individuals who have some understanding of data, yet they are specialists in this area. Consequently, what they are doing won’t be to the knowledge or skill level needed for great success.

The structure of demand for Data Specialists within organisations is rapidly changing and increasing due to the emergence of new methods and technologies for working with data. Therefore, it is essential to understand the areas of responsibilities, core competencies and skills of various Data Specialists to implement within your organisation. Leading to your organisation unlocking the value of data and leveraging its power. As a result, starting the journey to becoming a data-driven organisation – making every department effective in data usage.

Transform a Data Project into an Engaging Data Project.

Data specialists are workers who collect, store, manage and/or analyse, interpret and visualise data. Data specialists mainly comprise of two main groups:

  • Collect, Store and Manage Data – Data Engineers, Data Architects – to name a few.
  • Analyse, Interpret and Visualise Data – Data Analysts, Data Scientists – to name a few.

At Engaging Data, our Trusted Data Professionals know how to do it all. From visualising data to storing data, our team can help you unlock the true value of data and leverage it to benefit your organisation to create a competitive advantage.

Data Consutling –

Use data to transform your business.

Our Data Consultants provide a pragmatic and company-sympathetic approach to using data and analytics to transform your business.

Data Engineering –

Reduce time doing manual processes and increase the use of data in your business.

Our Consultants are here to help your team, whether it is a one-off job or a long-term engagement. Having a wealth of experience running projects using Data Automation software to fully automate data collection and processing, allowing data to be used in reports and self-service platforms.

Data Science –

Focus on the correct data to drive results.

Data and analytics are critical to the success of a contemporary business. Effective analytics require a blend of people, processes and technology, and understanding how one affects the other.

We provide strategic advice to help you make the right decisions and provide services to help you on your way.

Data Strategy –

Create a successful data-driven business.

All our strategies are bespoke and based on a solid foundation built from experience. This will provide your team with the resources and capabilities to build momentum and quickly gain results.

Data Visualisation –

Bring your data to life.

Taking your data and producing visuals allows your decision-makers to see, comprehend and decode what is happening with your organisation’s data and the inner workings.

Named after what we create for you, Engaging Data are here to help you unlock the true value of your data and push forwards towards overall business success.

The role of a Data Specialist, whether a Data Engineer, Data Scientist or Data Analyst, to name a few, is vital to any organisation.

Ignoring the importance of data will make your organisation crumble and left in the dust especially in the hugely competitive market of any industry. However, working with data and leveraging it will create a competitive advantage. All organisations should strive for a data-driven approach.

Working with a Data Specialist enables companies to leverage data and add undeniable value to their business. Not only this but it will create a data-driven environment and provide the information needed for effective decision-making.

Whether you are under-resourced for a data project, wanting to leverage data within your organisation, or have issues utilising your data effectively, fill out the form below and let us know your data struggles.

Our Data Professionals will help you transform your data into Engaging Data.


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