Using Pebble Templates in WhereScape RED to Deal with Hard Deletes in an ODS Table

Using Pebble Templates in WhereScape RED to Deal with Hard Deletes in an ODS Table. 


In a recent YouTube video, we discussed how to use Pebble Templates in WhereScape RED to Deal with hard Deletes in an ODS Table

Giving an overview of WhereScape RED, and the benefits it has for you and your organisation.

Then delving into Data Stores and how we expect them to work, especially around Historic Data Stores.

Enabling you to store data and capture changes to your data in a historic Data Store, WhereScape RED is a great piece of software to do this.

Also, we discussed how we have created our FREE Pebble Template which can be run as a custom procedure after loading the Data into the Data Store.

Our Pebble Template has been designed to identify and end or update the DSS_CURRENT_FLAG and consequently update the DSS_END_DATE in line with the setting within the Data Store.

To find out more, watch the video:

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