Supporting Girls Football

Engaging Data will continue to support the team & mental health charity Young Minds in going into the 2020/21 season!

Engaging Data & Girls Football

In 2019/20 season we sponsored Pace Youth‘s U16 Bobcats girls football team in Southampton playing in the Hampshire Girls Football League.

Instead of putting our logo on the shirt, we choose to support a charity Young Minds who are the UK’s leading charity fighting for children and young people’s mental health.

Engaging Data will continue to support the team & its charity Young Minds in going into the 2020/21 season!

Young Minds is a great place for parents and children to find support. If you are able to, please support this fantastic charity: Donate Here.

COVID-19 cut the season short, but we hope the team get back to playing football, safely. Who knows what football will look like next season, at a professional level or grassroots. We can’t wait to hear how the team get on.

Good Luck Bobcats!

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