How Jenkins Takes Wherescape to Another Level


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How Jenkins Takes Wherescape to Another Level

Data warehousing has grown in importance and popularity, as the global market for analytical systems continues to increase. The global market for data warehousing is expected to touch $30 billion by 2025, based on annual growth of around 12%. This led 76% of IT managers and executives to state that they are investing more in their analytics platforms when surveyed.

As more businesses use data warehouses, efficiency savings and improvements are expected going forward. Data automation is a concept that will benefit many companies, but it’s still important to choose the best solution.

Game-Changing Solution

That’s why using Jenkins to deploy Wherescape solutions is a game-changer. This integration tool used with Wherescape data warehouse automation software is rocket fuel for an already powerful package. 

With Jenkins, it’s possible for developers to build and test software projects continuously, thanks to actions built into the tool. This makes it easier for developers to integrate changes to any project, increasing flexibility in working practices. This can be hugely advantageous in the fast-moving contemporary data climate.

And this is just the beginning of the integration offered by Jenkins. The tool also makes it possible to integrate with other apps and software solutions, by installing plugins for the external tool – examples of this include Git and Powershell. There are over 1,000 plugins available for Jenkins, meaning that the platform supports the building and testing of virtually any WhereScape project.

Low-Maintenance Software

Another key advantage of Jenkins is its low-maintenance nature. The tool requires very little attention once it has been installed. However, when updates are required, the software includes a built-in GUI tool, ensuring that this process is as painless as possible.

Yet while it offers an ideal platform, Jenkins also benefits from continual improvement, thanks to its open-source nature. There is already an enthusiastic community contributing to the tweaking and evolution of the software, and this is expected to grow further still in the years to come.

Jenkins is a shining example of continuous integration, delivery and deployment, sometimes referred to as CI/CD. This approach to data warehousing means that code changes that translate into real-world improvements can be made more frequently and reliably, due to the automation of deployment steps.

Easy Plug-Ins

The process for plugging Jenkins into Wherescape begins with downloading the Java SE Development Kit, at which point you will also need to add JAVA_HOME to your environment variables. That is the only technical part; you then simply download Jenkins using the installer and follow the on-screen instructions. Before you can use the software, it will be necessary to create an admin username and password. Then you’re ready to go!

Among the palette of useful features included in the software is a list view of open projects, which provides an instantaneous insight into the status of everything important that you’re dealing with. This is the sort of feature that has ensured that as well as being powerful and flexible, Jenkins has also earned kudos in the data warehousing world for being user-friendly. 

Jenkins incorporates a user interface that is simple to pick up and navigate. There is a vast range of online tutorials available, while the active community that contributes to the tool is always on hand to offer assistance.

Configure and Customise

Another important aspect of Jenkins is the scope of configuration and customisation that it makes possible. Users can be managed by creating groups and roles, and this can all be handled elegantly via some straightforward menu prompts. Jobs can also be configured; for example, the tool enables them to be executed via timed intervals. 

Every aspect of the Jenkins software has been cultivated to ensure maximum functionality with minimum effort, yet enabling users to customise and monitor everything extensively at all stages of the process. You can even set up automatic email notifications, ensuring that everyone involved with a data warehousing project is kept in the loop.

At a time when the amount of information that companies deal with is escalating rapidly, data warehousing is becoming increasingly important. It’s simply not possible to ignore big data any longer; this is tantamount to being left behind by your competitors. Jenkins & WhereScape is an elegant data warehousing solution that has helped a multitude of businesses get to grips with their data warehousing requirements, without investing a huge amount of effort in training, onboarding, or hiring experts.

Wherescape was already a market-leader in its field, but with the advent of CI/CD tools such as Jenkins, this top solution just became even more compelling.


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